June 2003 Newsletter > Traffic Safety and You

Traffic Safety and You

Flaggers play a vital role in helping to protect the traveling public as well as their own co-workers from the dangers and hazards that are present in highway and road construction projects. In order to perform this job efficiently and well, a flagger must be certified. Each participant must be able to read and understand the “Flaggers Training Manual,” the “Flaggers Reference Guide,” and pass the Flaggers Proficiency Exam in order to complete the Colorado Department of Transportation’s minimum training requirements to become a certified flagger. The proficiency exam is designed to measure your knowledge and understanding of the duties and responsibilities of flaggers. If you get a passing score (80%) on the test, and have viewed a CDOT-approved flagging video, you are given a certification card valid for two years.

Each year Colorado LTAP applies for a grant from CDOT to offer flagger certification workshops throughout the state, alternating the locations between the north half of the state and south. In 2003, the workshops were offered in four locations across the north. Out of 125 participants, there were two individuals who received 100% on the flagger proficiency exam. Colorado LTAP would like to congratulate Kirk Dotson of the USDA Forest Service and Perry Lopez of Arapahoe Utilities & Infrastructure for their perfect scores!