September 2002 Newsletter > Program Manager's Corner

Program Manager's Corner

It will be sad to see summer go, but we've got a great fall schedule planned! Please note that the new Roads Scholar program is now in effect. The new program outline will affect all those with fewer than six Roads Scholar classes taken to date. Please visit our website at or call our office for the new program details.

We will also be happy to print a list of classes taken, upon request. Colorado LTAP still has grant money available for Roads Scholar classes this fall. This money will only be available until the end of 2002, so please apply early and pass the word. A grant application is available off our website or by calling the LTAP office.

We have also started the second training year for the Supervisory Skills and Development Program. We look forward to welcoming a lot of newcomers to this program this 2002-2003 training year. As a reminder, any outstanding Letters of Credit must be redeemed by December 31, 2002. Any remaining Letters of Credit in our office after that date will be canceled.

I look forward to meeting you all!

To continued workforce development,

Renée Cusson
Colorado LTAP
Program Manager